Yoga for Teachers

Module 1.

Yoga philosophy and Hatha yoga studies

History of yoga, Evolution of yoga,

Main text from Patanjali Yoga sutras and Hatha yoga pradipika.

Traditional schools of Yoga, Modern modification of yoga, Yoga relation with Hinduism and Buddhism

Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga),


Introduction to Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Gyana yoga.


Module 4

Yoga therapy and diet

Common diseases and yoga effectiveness include first basic 8 common ailments.

Introduction to Ayurveda, Prakriti, tri doshas, Vata, pitta and kapha, Sapta dhatus and up dhatus

Yoga diet, Rituals of eating, Qualities of foods, Six tastes, six seasons and effect on Doshas. The common ailments and their cure are discussed.


Module 5

Yoga Physiology and Psychology

Yoga physiology, Chakras, nadis.

Kundalini and its Hazards of wrong activation.

Koshas and senses.

States of mind, affliction,

Motivation, memory, cognition and emotion from the point of Yoga and Modern aspects. Sleep, depression, anxiety, Macro and micro cosmic, subtle energies, powers of mind, Spiritualism.
